Thursday, March 30, 2006

Iraq...the captives... the captors

There have been many kidnappings in Iraq over the course of three years. These kidnappings have subsequently increased as the lack of the law's overarching arm becomes apparent. A practice that not many can approve of no matter of which religion or if htey were pro war or anti- war. Roping in innocent civilians to pay the price of modern day colonialists, aka the coalition forces, the resistance movement is harming its own cause and slowly pouring a corrosive stream of uncalled for blood on the global sympathy that Iraq's resistance movement could initially ellicit. The clippings from Al-Jazeera usually showed the captives in a deplorable condition and the tape usually ended in a gruesome manner. Maybe it was the pent up angst of the occupied having no avenue of expression, or maybe the earlier spat of kidnappings were meant to document the hallow victories to spur on the movement. who knows?

But with the recent release of two captives of a christianity orientated NGO and that of Jill Carol (a reporter) the mujahadeen finally seem to be utilizing media and confronting widespread perceptions, be it knowingly or not. Jill Carol's recent statements lauding the treatment she received at the hands of her captives does more good to their captives' cause than the hundreds of beheadings previously aired. The recents statements by the Brit and Canadian freed by the coalition forces conspicuously did not contain any gratitude nor did they belittle their captors. Maybe the Mujahadeen are beginning to catch on: kidnap people, treat them nicely, have them slandor the coalition forces, and use the extensive media coverage of each rescue to spread the word... not all people involved in the resistance movement are terrorists. not all of them are crude backward people with no respect for life or the intrinsics of humanity. who knows. maybe it was planned. maybe they got an image consultant.

well whatever the case these frequent kidnapping are still doing more harm than good and in no way am i siding with the kidnappers. besides the majority of kidnappings taking place presently seem to have an underlying financial motive as opposed to ideological. i guess it should make some Americans happy... the seeds of capitalism have definately been sowed.

1 comment:

fuss said...

I guess that's the difference between Al-Qaeda and the Iraqi forces.